A great client of mine, a wonderful husband and father, and a sharp entrepreneur Christian Monsen gives his testimony of our work together.
I highly recommend Miles to anyone who wants to get a jump start on their life!
Sharone, Hebrew Teacher NYC
Miles is incredibly intuitive, a wonderful listener, and highly pragmatic; he is highly effective as a Behavior Design Coach. He is passionate about the Dynamic Behavior Design methodology for building positive momentum towards achieving one’s goals.
He was extremely helpful in helping me clarify my main aspirations to focus my energy in a positive direction. I was often feeling overwhelmed and easily discouraged by setbacks, big or small.
Miles helped me see that every step in the right direction is cause for celebration and focusing on wins helps build the momentum to overcome obstacles. He also helped me develop a system that worked for me and my Adhd mind to keep track of my goals.
Miles helps you to bring your vision to life and with a wonderful sense of humanity and humor. He will also help you find effective habits that you can easily incorporate into your life.
I’m very grateful to have worked with him during a challenging period in my life and highly recommend his services to anyone who is looking to get a jump start on their life.
…Miles, a seed of an idea for a new business has now come into tangible reality in just two months!
Josie, Entrepreneur NY
The idea of money and how to make it proved always “hard to do.” It wasn’t something that was prevalent growing up, in fact, it was the root of many issues in my family. We were rich in many things, but struggled monetarily.
So I asked Miles to help me shift my mindset in working from a place of scarcity to abundance. Also, to help me get my behaviors in alignment with my goals- precisely one of the elements of behavior design. By working with Miles, when dealing with behaviors, it’s a bit more ingrained than we realize. These are the parts of ourselves that might be hard to see, at least it was for me. Uncovering these small steps in changing my behaviors, along with my already high motivation, got me on track, and in total flow.
Since my first session with Miles, a seed of an idea for a new business has now come into tangible reality in just two months. I now have two businesses that are gaining momentum, and new structural behaviors that help me stay on track. Miles and his coaching has played a key role in this.
He is personal,“real”, and very professional. Miles is punctual, insightful, intuitive, caring, and truly has a well rounded and expansive view on life. I am forever grateful for his time and services.
Miles Pittman is a fantastic coach. I recommend him to anyone. Dude is a life-changer!
Justin, Writer & Coach NC
Miles Pittman began coaching me to help heal deep resentment I had for two close family members who in my opinion were using me as their scapegoat. Miles provided a safe space of unconditional love as well as two new ‘lay up’ behaviors to do every day to help shift the energy.
In three weeks I told my fiancé ‘I don’t think I have a problem with them anymore.’ That night one of them who had refused to apologize for his behavior for months, called me out of the blue to apologize. From there, that led to creating healing with the other family member.
From there I felt a huge shift of love and now we are all best friends and family once again. This led to me finding invaluable deeper peace with myself!
Miles Pittman is not only a fantastic, present coach, he’s also an embodied human being walking his talk which makes his energy much more illuminating and transcendent. I recommend Miles to anyone who is going through anything! Dude is a life changer..
If you have a hard time initiating and continuing a behavior, or eliminating a bad behavior that has dominated you for years, then Miles can definitely help.
Melissa, Communications SC
At 37 years old, I am a self-proclaimed perfectionist. I start things and can’t claim they are finished until there are no flaws. I make a to-do list to keep me on track with what tasks are still needed for completion. I also keep a strict schedule to try to ease unnecessary stress in my life (a true planner at heart). When any of these things are disrupted or not to a certain standard level of my own making, it destroys any confidence I have in myself. This character flaw then spills over to others areas of my life...specifically personal relationships. Miles has very patiently and wonderfully explained that it's not me, but my behavioral design that's flawed. He started with a tiny habit for me to change...something I knew I can do. After my first session, I was able to revisit these flawed designs, identify the weaknesses, and apply the information I am learning from Miles to tweak these designs transforming my failures (whether perceived or real) to successes.
Miles has helped me create a ‘to-do’ list each day that includes a specific task. As I said, I could do this one thing. That one thing was broken down into a few easy steps and then completed. One and done. So the tweaked behavioral design was successful, but can always be improved upon. As my list grows I will be celebrating (self acknowledging) my successes which is helping to reinforce my overall confidence. I'm going to call this success a Tiny Miracle. If you have a hard time initiating and continuing a behavior, or eliminating a bad behavior that has dominated you for years, then Miles can definitely help. If you learn nothing else, learn that you are not the problem here; the problem is the behavioral design flaw. And while working with Miles you'll learn how to fix that.
Miles operates with contagious enthusiasm that turns confronting difficult tasks into concrete and achievable actions.
Jason, Artist Netherlands
I reached out to Miles because I had dreams of where I could go as a graphic artist but had built up pitfalls and roadblocks that were keeping me from getting there. I found it difficult to plan my days and focus on tasks as a self-employed creative [hustler]. This paired with negative tech habits left me spinning my wheels and kept me from defining my vision, let alone working towards it. Miles helped me tackle these challenges and so much more.
From a practical side, Miles helped me build a physical work space and routine that made getting into my creative work a natural habit. Dedicating specific zones for work types, textile & illustration, has helped give focus to the task at hand. We also highlighted “non-work areas” like the phone zone, which helped me look at the phone as a positive tool with the right boundaries.
On the creative side, Miles and I uncovered and encouraged my outrageous ambitions. To speak out goals, to be bold in defining my profession, to name my dreams and add action to them. And most importantly, to celebrate every step along the way. Speaking with Miles radically changed the way I speak to myself and others about my work “there is no try or I think so, there is yes I’m going to do it or no”. I had known some of these actions before, but Miles brought them clearly to the surface. Miles emphasised accountability in our weekly conversations, which showed me the power of showing up in the studio, which overflowed into showing up in other moments in life. I’m so grateful for this positive momentum that our work together created.
Miles operates with contagious enthusiasm that turns confronting difficult tasks into concrete and achievable actions. He faces problems with his own blend of creative thinking, braveness and playfulness. It was inspiring to see how he pushes his own boundaries in his creative practice. We’re all a work in progress. Aside from his coaching, I wish I could talk with Miles every week just for how uplifting his energy is!
It’s like playing chess with a master. You end up rising to meet him at his level, and in the process you become an active creator.
Allison, Education NY
Finding myself at a turning point in my life, the opportunity to work with Miles Pittman as a life coach came to me in an organic way that felt almost like a sign, something I should embrace. I am so grateful that I did.
Miles possesses a laser focus and singular way of hearing something you might not even realize you are communicating and then encouraging you to expand on that. The sessions unfolded and I went from talking about a possible career path that maybe, possibly could be something I could go for, to going much deeper into thinking about the life I want to live.
Through questions, Miles gracefully guided me to seeing for myself what I want to create. In a seamless manner he encouraged me to be very intentional and specific about designing that very life. Actions and jumping and being accountable to what you said you were going to do hold tremendous power and importance in these sessions. I found that diligently setting and following up on intentions under Miles’ guidance a vibrational energy went out into the world, and I was met with some unexpected and remarkable events in response.
The conversations hold an unusual combination. The interactions feel so comfortable and down to earth that it allows you to be completely free and open, yet you are fully aware that something is happening, and you are in the hands of a masterful facilitator.
At the end of each session Miles asks what your takeaway is. Periodically he read back to me what my past takeaways were. I was surprised to find myself impressed with the depth of some takeaways I had come up with. That’s Miles’ talent. It’s like playing chess with a master. You end up rising to meet him at his level, and in the process you become an active creator.